Fitness trampolini, ki presegajo rebounding

Raziskujte najbolj vsestranski rebounder za fitnes guruje in tiste, ki šele začenjajosvojo pot.
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JumpSport Fitness Slovenia

Prednosti Skakanja

Najbolj vsestranski, učinkovit in učinkovit trening.

Not only does rebounding provide fun and engaging cardio workouts, but it also helps reduce blood pressure, improves overall circulation, and builds a stronger heart muscle.
Keep Your Body Young
Plyometric workouts with a rebounder protect joints, strengthen the musculoskelatal system, and encourage the regeneration of skin cells.
Lymphathic System
Rebounding serves as an effective way to detoxify the lymphatic system and invigorate the body down to the cellular level.
Wellness & Recovery
By utilizing low-impact exercises, rebounding allows for a total body workout, a quick recovery time, and reduced strain on joints.
Weight Loss
Rebounding improves metabolism and the resting metabolic rate which yields increased fat burn thoughout the day.
Balance & Mental Health
Rebounding builds balance by engaging core and stability muscles while also strengthening the inner ear muscle.
skakanje ne zagotavlja le zabavnih in zanimivih kardio treningov, ampaktudi pomaga znižati krvni tlak, izboljša splošno prekrvavitev in gradi močnejši srčni mišici.
Ohranite svoje telo mlado
Pliometrični treningi z rebounderjem ščitijo sklepe,krepijo mišično-skeletni sistem in spodbujajo regeneracijo kožnih celic.
Limfni Sistem
Skakanje je učinkovit način za detoksikacijo limfnega sistema inoživitev telesa do celične ravni.
Wellness in okrevanje
z uporabo vaj z nizkim vplivom, skakanje omogoča celotentelesni trening, hitro okrevanje in zmanjšano obremenitev sklepov.
Izguba Teže
Skakanje izboljša presnovo in počasi metabolizem, kar povečujeizgorevanje maščob skozi ves dan.
Ravnotežje in Duševno Zdravje
Skakanje gradi ravnotežje s sodelovanjem mišicjedra in stabilnosti ter hkrati krepi mišico notranjega ušesa.
Prednosti Skakanja

Trgovina Fitness

10% OFF

350 Fitness Trampoline

39" | 99cm

Profesionalna izbira

Nastavljive napenjalne vrvice s 4 vozli

Ocena teže: do 275lb | 125kg

34"/86,36 cm Izboljšana podloga za ravno krilo

as low as
€ 469,00 EUR
€ 469,00 EUR
Kupite Zdaj
10% OFF

350 PRO Fitness Trampoline Black

39" | 99cm

Profesionalna izbira

Nastavljive napenjalne vrvice s 4 vozli

Ocena teže: do 300lb | 136kg

35" | 88,9 cm izboljšana podloga za ravno krilo

as low as
€ 499,00 EUR
€ 499,00 EUR
Kupite Zdaj
10% OFF

550 PRO CE Fitness Trampoline Black

44" | 112cm

Profesionalna izbira

Nastavljive napenjalne vrvice s 4 vozli

Ocena teže: do 325lb | 147.5kg

40"/101,6 cm izboljšana podloga za ravno krilo

as low as
€ 669,00 EUR
€ 669,00 EUR
Kupite Zdaj
JumpSport Fitness Australia

Rebounding Benefits

The Most Versatile, Efficient, and Effective Workout.

Not only does rebounding provide fun and engaging cardio workouts, but it also helps reduce blood pressure, improves overall circulation, and builds a stronger heart muscle.
Keep Your Body Young
Plyometric workouts with a rebounder protect joints, strengthen the musculoskelatal system, and encourage the regeneration of skin cells.
Lymphathic System
Rebounding serves as an effective way to detoxify the lymphatic system and invigorate the body down to the cellular level.
Wellness & Recovery
By utilizing low-impact exercises, rebounding allows for a total body workout, a quick recovery time, and reduced strain on joints.
Weight Loss
Rebounding improves metabolism and the resting metabolic rate which yields increased fat burn thoughout the day.
Balance & Mental Health
Rebounding builds balance by engaging core and stability muscles while also strengthening the inner ear muscle.
Not only does rebounding provide fun and engaging cardio workouts, but it also helps reduce blood pressure, improves overall circulation, and builds a stronger heart muscle.
Keep Your Body Young
Plyometric workouts with a rebounder protect joints, strengthen the musculoskelatal system, and encourage the regeneration of skin cells.
Lymphathic System
Rebounding serves as an effective way to detoxify the lymphatic system and invigorate the body down to the cellular level.
Wellness & Recovery
By utilizing low-impact exercises, rebounding allows for a total body workout, a quick recovery time, and reduced strain on joints.
Weight Loss
Rebounding improves metabolism and the resting metabolic rate which yields increased fat burn thoughout the day.
Balance & Mental Health
Rebounding builds balance by engaging core and stability muscles while also strengthening the inner ear muscle.
Benefits of Rebounding

Najboljša izbira strokovnjakov

predstavljeno v

Kako se trampolini Jumpsport razlikujejo

JumpSport Fitness Slovenia
Elastični kabli
elastični kabli EnduroLast so gladki in tiho, zagotavljajo dolgotrajnostin nizkoinfaktivni skok, ki ga je mogoče prilagoditi vsakemu nivoju telesne pripravljenosti.
Lokasto ogrodje
vsak rebounder je opremljen z lokastimi nogami, ki izboljšajostabilnost in preprečijo prevrnitev, kar zagotavlja varnejše pliometrične vaje.
Več prostora
trpežna površina za skakanje ima mrežasto krilo, ki sega čez vrvi zavečjo zaščito in dodatni prostor za skakanje.
vsi modeli serije 300+ vključujejo ojačano šivanje, vrhunske materiale inizboljšano tehnologijo preproge, ki omogoča prosto gibanje in dolgo življenjsko dobo.
Elastic Cords
EnduroLast elastic cords are smooth and silent, providing longevity and a low-impact bounce that is customizable for every fitness level.
Arched Legs
Each rebounder comes equipped with arched legs which improve stability and prevent tipping, providing safer plyometrics.
More Space
The durable jumping surface has a mesh skirt which extends over the cords for increased protection and additional room to bounce.
All 300 series+ models feature reinforced stitching, premium materials and enhanced lay-flat mat technology granting freedom of movement and durability.

Top Rated Trampolines

& Accessories
JumpSport Fitness Australia
39" | 99cm
Most Popular
200 & 300 Series
200-300 lb Weight Rating
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JumpSport Fitness Australia
44" | 112cm
Firmest Bounce
400 & 500 Series
275-325 lb Weight Rating
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JumpSport Fitness Australia
Enhanced Versatility
Handle Bars, PlyoFit
Strength Training Kit and more
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Zdravstveni skok

odkrijte znanost za trampolini Jump Sport in zakaj jih strokovnjakiza telesno pripravljenost priporočajo pred konkurenco.
Izvedeti Več

On Demand Trampoline Workouts

Access 2000+ hours of programming including classes from the best trampoline studios on the JumpSport Fitness TV app for IOS, Android Mobile, Apple TV, or Roku
JumpSport Fitness AustraliaJumpSport Fitness AustraliaJoin For Free

On Demand Trampoline Workouts

Access 2000+ hours of programming including classes from the best trampoline studios on the JumpSport Fitness TV app for IOS, Android Mobile, Apple TV, or Roku
JumpSport Fitness AustraliaJumpSport Fitness AustraliaJoin For Free
Politika piškotkov

Uporabljamo piškotke in druge sledenjske tehnologije zaizboljšanje vaše izkušnje brskanja po naši spletni strani, prikazovanje prilagojenih vsebin,analizo prometa na naši spletni strani in razumevanje, od kje prihajajo naši obiskovalci. Zbrskanjem po naši spletni strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov in drugih sledenjskih tehnologij.

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